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If you are a creative and curious person, would love to work with kids and to explore Waldorf pedagogy, then this ESC Voluntary Service in Bremen will be perfect for you!
Dates: 05.09.2022 – 31.08.2023
Location: Bremen, Germany
Hosting Organisation: Waldorfschule Touler Straße
We are looking for one motivated volunteer to join the team of the school – particularly in the after-school activities!
About the School & Your Tasks
Founded in 1949 the Freie Waldorfschule Bremen Touler Straße is the eldest Waldorf School (Rudolf-Steiner-School) in Bremen. The whole curriculum of Waldorf Schools is based on the development needs of the pupil, taking their emotional, intellectual and personal abilities and needs into account. The curriculum is integrated, inter-disciplinary and artistic. Thus imagination and creativity, which are most important for the individual as well as for society, are awakened and developed. The students learn two foreign languages from year one onwards. They all learn how to knit and sew, and how to work with wood. In Year 8 and 12, they stage a theatre play and work on a year-long theoretical and practical project of their own choosing. Subjects like Gardening and Eurythmics are an integral part of the Waldorf curriculum. All kinds of crafts stimulate a differentiated development of the will and a practical orientation of the student towards life.
Waldorf Pedagogy is a distinctive way of education. There is a global network of schools that work according to this pedagogy, and you can read more about it here.
If you know German (or use a translation tool), you can also read more about the school’s pedagogy on their own website.
In your ESC year, you will work in the after-school care centre, which is attended by the children in grades 1 to 4 after class (age 6 to 10). The after-school care centre has its own building with a large outdoor area. The focus here is on playing together, you might do as well homework supervision or have lunch with the kids, depending on your position in the team. Our after-school care team consists of 3 pedagogical specialists and 3 volunteers. It is also possible to contribute your skills and interests in a second work area, e.g. in support with social media activities or events.
Your Tasks as a Volunteer
- Helping the team in the after-school classes which includes homework support, playing with the children, helping the team organise the space and supervision of the kids (age 6-10)
- Development of your own ideas for activities with the kids in the after-school classes
- Supporting the planning and implementation of school events
- Helping the team of the school to set up an Instagram and other social media pages, also helping with the website if needed
- Supporting other parts of the daily school life – you will have the chance to be on the handicrafts lessons (i.e. working with wood, metal, sewing, knitting etc.), the gardening lessons in the big school garden, the kitchen+cooking lessons, and the usual school lessons. This depends on your interests, the activities of the school at the time and your willingness to try out new things
- Organising small local projects for the community of Bremen together with the other 12 ESC volunteers in Bremen
You will also volunteer alongside two German volunteers in the after-school classes, who will be of similar age and volunteer on a German programme.
Each week, you will meet your mentor and discuss your learning outcomes, goals, ideas and possible problems. She will be your primary contact person, while two other school team members will also support you. Additionally, you will work alongside the educators in the after-school classes, and of course the teachers whenever you will join their classes and activities. While motivation and independence is key, you will not be left alone with the children or replace a job.
You will have 33 hours of voluntary work every week, and at least 24 days of holidays (according to the school holiday calendar) in addition to free weekends.
If you want to know more and know German (or use a translation tool) you can check our out the report, of our current Waldorfschule volunteer Marie.
As Coordinating Organisation, NaturKultur Bremen e.V. is responsible for everything outside your immediate volunteering place – we organise your accommodation and other logistical things, and provide a friendly environment for learning together with the other 14 volunteers we host and coordinate in Bremen.

But – how is it to volunteer in Bremen?
You can check out our Instagram Account @volunteersofbremen
And if you’d rather watch a video – here’s the story of Nikola, who volunteered in another organisation Bremen in 2019.
You can apply, if you…
- … are a resident of an EU Country (not Germany) /partner country
- … are between 18-30 years old (on the day you start your ESC)
- … can communicate in English (A2-B1) AND German (A2)
- … you are committed to improve your German skills during your time at the school
- …are vaccinated against COVID 19 and the measles and can provide a certificate of good conduct
- … are interested in working with kids and doing hands-on work
- … love to be creative, to try out new things and have a lot of curiosity to explore Waldorf pedagogy
- … have patience and care about helping other people grow
- … are an open-minded person, motivated to work in a team and with people from different religious, cultural and social backgrounds
The European Solidarity Corps is financing the voluntary service. The mission of the ESC is to bring people from different backgrounds together to form a society based on mutual acceptance, solidarity and cohesion.
Application Deadline: 05.06.2022
For any questions, please contact Lina: [email protected]