“Do Not Let the Day Fade from My Window
I have no control over the rising sun,
Nor can I find one who understands my state;
Ah, the thought of my death crosses my mind,
Then this bird, this garden, this glamour.
And the heart says to its God:
I am indifferent to the sorrow you bestow;
I accept every hardship, as long as
The day does not fade from my window!”
Cahit Sitki TARANCI
A year can sometimes be as brief as a moment in time, or as lengthy as a lifetime. My year in Bremen embodied both aspects, offering experiences that spanned the breadth of possibility. My ESC volunteering at the Bremen Senate Chancellery opened doors to a journey that profoundly touched every corner of my life, leaving deep impressions. This period in Bremen has not only brought significant professional growth but also facilitated a major personal transformation. I now wish to summarize this time and share the essence of my experiences.
The volunteering work I undertook in Bremen provided me with a unique perspective. My experiences in international relations expanded beyond what I could have ever imagined. Each day, I took on responsibilities, bearing new burdens on my shoulders while dedicating myself to my dreams. Throughout this journey, I faced both challenges and successes. My role not only enhanced my personal capabilities but also offered the opportunity to contribute to the people of Bremen.
Throughout this year, numerous new individuals entered my life, each bringing a fresh perspective and adding colour to my journey. Simultaneously, some old friends departed from my life. However, these departures heralded new beginnings. Each new person and relationship added fresh branches to the tree of my life, while each separation provided a chance to leave the past behind and focus on the future.
I am now embarking on a new project that will extend my time in Bremen for another year. This city has shown me the value of living with freedom and dignity. Beyond everything, savouring these feelings and fully experiencing the beauty life offers is crucial. This new project will once again open the doors of Bremen for me and allow me to add more branches and blossoms to my life’s tree.
Life presents many different perspectives. While we may not choose what we experience, how we live our lives is entirely within our control. Recognizing the value of our fleeting moments and living each one to the fullest is essential. The things we see when we open our eyes are determined by our choices. Values like hope and love are not given to us but can be found everywhere if we seek them.
This year has taught me that life is worth living and that every moment should be cherished. My time in Bremen has shown me that life, in all its forms—whether good or bad, love or separation, laughter or tears—is always filled with beauty. The experiences I have had remind me of the importance of living each moment fully and seizing every opportunity. I eagerly anticipate the new flowers that will bloom on the branches I have added to my life’s tree and look forward to new discoveries in future projects. Remember, do not mourn what you leave behind. Sometimes, for something better to come, the good must come to an end.
Ferhat was hosted by Freie Hansestadt Bremen Senatskanzlei (Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Senate Chancellery) on our project co-funded by the European Union.