Abroad // Youth Exchange “Future Green Leaders” in Malino, Croatia

From September 17th to September 25th, 2024, we had the pleasure of participating in the Erasmus+ project “Future Green Leaders.” We found out about the project through the websites of NaturKultur and “Raus von Zuhause,” as well as Telegram groups and Instagram. After submitting our applications to NaturKultur, we were thrilled to receive our acceptance emails. In an initial Zoom meeting, we got to know each other and learned more about the project’s content. Our excitement grew as we prepared for our Intercultural Night.

On September 17th, 2024, we traveled from different parts of Germany to Malino, Croatia. The program officially started on September 18th. Through engaging team-building activities, we bonded and engaged in intercultural exchanges with the other country groups. Over the following days, we delved into topics such as the Youthpass, environmental protection, activism, and the situation in our respective countries. A special highlight was our trip to Zagreb, where we visited O.A.Z.A. (Ecological Association). Together with the “Little Cleaning Bears,” we collected litter and organized our own workshops on issues close to our hearts. We also explored the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discussed potential projects we could implement back home. The program was diverse and interactive, and the evenings were filled with unforgettable moments, including intercultural nights and campfire sessions.

Favorite Moments:

– Theresia: “The conversations with other activists inspired me and helped me better understand how I can encourage others to make their own actions more sustainable. I’m excited to now prepare a workshop and share what I’ve learned with my family to spread the knowledge further.”

– Julia: “I realized that while I can’t stop the climate crisis alone, I can start by making a small contribution to sustainability. At the same time, I came to understand that I’m not making this small contribution alone—together, we can make a big difference. I already have a list of things I want to research when I return to Germany so I can continue engaging with the topics we covered during the past week.”

– Aysar: “I will take home the many inspiring stories from the people I spoke with during the project. These stories motivate me to integrate sustainability more intensely into my everyday life. Since I enjoy taking walks, I plan to bring a bag with me to collect litter. It’s also important to me to share what I’ve learned with those around me. I will definitely participate in more projects, and I can only recommend the same to others!”

– Ronja: “For me, the Erasmus+ project was an amazing opportunity to learn more about sustainability and the cultures of the other participating countries. One of the most valuable experiences for me was organizing my own workshop during the project. The trust of the organizers helped me believe more in myself. I plan to repeat the workshop back home so that more people can be sensitized to the issues of climate crisis and peace. Additionally, I’d like to start a tree-planting initiative.”

– Maria: “It was great to be surrounded by young people and work together on fun tasks. I was inspired by the activists’ stories we heard firsthand, and I came to appreciate small actions, as they can eventually lead to a big impact.”


The “Future Green Leaders” project was an unforgettable and inspiring experience for all of us. It not only highlighted the urgency of climate protection but also demonstrated the strength of collaboration across borders. We return with valuable insights and ideas, as well as the conviction that each of us can make a difference. Now it’s up to us to apply what we’ve learned in our everyday lives and inspire others to do the same.