Maëlle in Bremen // 1st Report
Hi there! I’m Maëlle, a 22-year-old volunteer and this is my report of how things have been going so far! If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my six months (already!) in Germany, it’s that Deutsche Bahn and punctuality are two very, very opposite words. As an example, I could say that the train I […]

Joana in Bremen // 2nd Report
Chapter Two: The Expected, the Surprising, and the “It is what it is” For my first report, I couldn’t wait for it’s time to come to write all that I had to say. Now, for my second report, the time has long arrived and I still can’t find the right words. It’s been one hell […]

Maria in Bremen // Final Report
As I reflect upon the past year, my heart overflows with gratitude for all the full experiences, lessons, and personal growth that have come from this volunteer journey. This year has been a road of new challenges, meaningful connections, and fundamental shift that have permanently shaped my path. Stepping into this role, I was immediately […]

Karyna in Bremen // 1st Report
Before coming to Bremen, the only thing I really knew about the city was The Town Musicians of Bremen. I had no idea what to expect—except that it was going to be a new adventure. What I didn’t expect was for Deutsche Bahn to make my arrival extra special by taking my luggage away, assuming […]

Joséphine in Bremen // 1st Report
Hey, my name is Joséphine and you’re are now entering my first report regarding what happened the past four months. First of all I must say that this is the first ever report made concerning the Ohlenhof farm project, so I feel like a whistleblower, finally revealing to the word the events that take place […]

Luca in Bremen // 1st Report
As I arrived here, I felt like a scared little bunny, wanting to go back crying to somewhere known, because everything was strange, big and intimidating.I remember entering my new home for the first time, it was full with people dealing with moving out, and stuff from people who previously lived here. I remember going […]

Sandra in Bremen // 1st Report
Three years ago, I arrived in Bremen for the first time. The sun was shining, a beautiful flower market filled the streets, and I instantly fell in love with the city. During my Erasmus exchange, we had some time to explore. On our last day, while we were trying to find something and obviously looked […]

Gabriel in Bremen // 1st Report
I remember being last Spring in rainy England, thinking “What shall I do with my life”? Then, I had an Eureka moment: The European Voluntary Service! I remembered about the ESC and I set out on my search for a nice project.At first I encountered an opportunity in Leipzig, conducting art workshops for children. Oh, […]

Marine in Bremen // 1st Report
Why choose to do an ECS in Bremen? First, to improve my German skills. (You’d think after spending so many years studying it, I’d be able to speak it somewhat fluently… well, the joke’s on me!) Secondly, I wanted to devote a year to social work – do something good. After six years of working from home, […]

Alex in Bremen // 1st Report
Hi, I’m Alex and I’m 20 years old and I come from Malaga, Spain.You might wonder how I ended up in this beautiful country where you can hardly see the sun and it rains a lot more. Actually, I don’t really know how I ended up here, but I know it was the right choice […]

Rafiga in Bremen // 1st Report
Das Land, auf dem ich geboren und aufgewachsen bin, trägt den Geist des Widerstands in sich – einen nie endenden Kampf, eine unerschütterliche Hoffnung. Vielleicht ist es genau diese Kraft meiner Heimat, die mich antreibt, für meine Ziele zu kämpfen und nie aufzugeben. Nachdem ich mein Studium abgeschlossen hatte, wollte ich mir Zeit nehmen, um […]

Belit in Bremen // 1st Report
After five months in Bremen, I can definitely confirm that time flies faster when you’re happy. I feel like I just arrived, yet here I am, writing this from my mid-term seminar, a moment that marks the halfway point of my volunteering project. This seminar has been a great opportunity to meet other volunteers, exchange […]

Anastasiia in Bremen // 2nd Report
As the months passed, my volunteering experience in Bremen continued to evolve, bringing new projects, challenges, and memorable moments. With the change of seasons, Germany took on a different charm – autumn brought cozy fairs, colorful leaves, and crisp air, while winter was all about the magical Christmas markets, warm lights, and festive German traditions. […]

Natalia in Bremen // 2nd Report
When I realised that the time to write the second report had come, I suddenly got a bittersweet feeling; bitter because having to write the second report means that a. the project is finishing soon and I have to get used to the idea of having to say goodbye in less than 3 months, and […]

Elena in Bremen // Final Report
Here we are with the last report after one year of life in Bremen. It might sound repetitive but I still struggle to realize how fast my year in Germany passed, I came back around a week ago and I still have a weird feeling about not waking up in my Bremen’s room. If I […]

Anastasiia in Bremen // 1st Report
In May, I began my volunteering placement at a youth center in Bremen, Germany. From the moment I arrived, I was ready for the new experiences that lay ahead. The youth center has been an inviting space from the start. It’s always full of energy, with young people from diverse cultural backgrounds coming by to […]

Natalia in Bremen // 1st Report
I decided to apply for this particular volunteering opportunity because I was interested in volunteering in the cultural sector and also I was eager to try out something different than just studying. My favorite experience so far in the place I volunteer was taking pictures at different events and creating social media content. I find […]

Maria in Bremen // 2nd Report
Dearest gentle readers, As the last few months slipped by in their peculiar mix of swift and sluggish passage, I find myself marveling at the sheer unpredictability of life. Days have drifted along like a leaf in a breeze – sometimes rushing in a blur, at other times floating leisurely, yet somehow still carrying us […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “Future Green Leaders” in Malino, Croatia
From September 17th to September 25th, 2024, we had the pleasure of participating in the Erasmus+ project “Future Green Leaders.” We found out about the project through the websites of NaturKultur and “Raus von Zuhause,” as well as Telegram groups and Instagram. After submitting our applications to NaturKultur, we were thrilled to receive our acceptance […]

Zehra in Bremen // Final Report
Omnia mea mecum portaI carry everything with meMy dreams, ideas, expectations and even fears before my arrival. All of them changing and often intertwining in the process… The blurred memories of my one-year Bremen life that has not yet ended and has not yet cooled down. I am sitting on the other side of Germany […]

Sofiia in Bremen // Final Report
And just like that, it’s over. The end of the season, or a chapter, or however you prefer to call it. A year has passed, and my project is complete. There’s so much I want to say and so few words to do so. It’s been a journey and i didn’t always know where it’s […]

Alvaro in Bremen // Final Report
I’m writing this from the airport, on my way back home, the last thing I do as a volunteer in Bremen. What a year, huh? Yeah, truly, what a year… full of all the emotions I knew, and many I didn’t. A year of discovering, of discovering myself, of losing and getting lost. I’ve learned […]

Vladislava in Bremen // Final Report
There is nothing worse in this world than a person who believs in his business. This is the only thought that has accompanied me throughout this year. When I boarded the plane to Bremen, I already knew what and when I would need to do to achieve my goal. What I have now is not […]

Elena in Bremen // 2nd Report
It feels surreal that almost four months have passed since my first report; my life in Bremen has turned into a routine by now even though the sense of excitement and freshness of the beginning is still present. I can definitely say that I´m learning a lot in many ways; from a work point of […]

Klara in Bremen // Final Report
During my first week in Bremen, at the beginning of my project, I often told myself to comfort myself that I only had to hold out until Christmas and then I would decide whether I wanted to carry on. It may sound harsh, but it gave me the courage to make a fresh start in […]

Ferhat in Bremen // Final Report
“Do Not Let the Day Fade from My Window I have no control over the rising sun, Nor can I find one who understands my state; Ah, the thought of my death crosses my mind, Then this bird, this garden, this glamour. And the heart says to its God: I am indifferent to […]

Ana in Bremen // Final Report
At the end of April, I saw forget-me-nots blooming in Viertel. I remember walking there across Osterdeich a few days after seeing off Salome, who had picked me up at the airport in September when I first arrived in Bremen. I remember feeling time basically slipping through my fingers like sand and realising that suddenly, […]

Joana in Bremen // 1st Report
Even before I finally finished packing for one year abroad (which felt like cramming a circus into a shoebox), I was already imagining what I’d write in this first report. I had been reading all the other articles from volunteers, thinking of what I’d say when it was finally my turn. Now that the time […]

Maite in Bremen // Final Report
As my time as a volunteer in Bremen draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on what has undoubtedly been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. When I first joined this project, I was navigating a particularly emotionally vulnerable period. However, connecting with individuals with disabilities and working to promote their […]

Maite in Bremen // 2nd Report
As my volunteering experience in Bremen with a program supporting people with special needs draws to a close, I find myself filled with a wealth of emotions. It’s been a transformative journey that’s left an indelible mark on my heart and it’s given me the chance to connect with a wonderful community and broaden my […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “Increase Your Employability” in Samokov, Bulgaria
The second part of the youth exchange “Increase your Employability” took place from 26.06-02.07.2024 in Samokov, Bulgaria. Four participants and one team leader from each of the following countries took part: Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, Guadeloupe (France) and Germany. That means we were 20 participants in total and one participant had her dog with her 😜. The […]

Sofiia in Bremen // 2nd Report
Well, it’s time for my second report. With disbelief, I realize that eight months have already passed by so quickly. I remember just arriving and meeting new people, watching the “older” volunteers heading to their MTM and thinking, “Oh my god, they’re halfway through their experience and so much has already happened to them.” Now, […]

Alvaro in Bremen // 2nd Report
As I enter the final part of my volunteer experience, my feelings are very different from the beginning. The overwhelming sensation of seeing the end of the road grows bigger every moment, and the uncertainty of what to do afterward—whether I’ll have the opportunity to stay in this country, and if this entire experience will […]

Aura in Bremen // 1st Report
Hey, you! Thinking about volunteering? It can be quite challenging, so ponder it well first. There will be awesome moments, but it all depends on your predisposition, mental strength, and the qualities you already bring with you. It will not be a piece of cake, yet a constant fight for respect and for your rights. […]

Maria in Bremen // 1st Report
Hey hey little one, welcome to this report where I tell you a bit about my world. It all really started when I got off that plane and entered this new world thinking “Wow, I’m so mature and independent now” and was faced with my first problem, a lost suitcase. It wasn’t so bad! Once […]

Elena in Bremen // 1st Report
After four months of volunteering the feeling of arriving in a cloudy and cold Bremen at the end of January still feels very fresh to me and even though time passed I still think dearly of that scared and confused girl that left her hometown to embark on an almost unknown adventure. I´m sitting down […]

Zehra in Bremen // 2nd Report
Hallöchen! I am writing on a sunny Bremen day, after a long (very long) and dark winter we are enjoying the sunshine these days. I still haven’t gotten over the geographical shock that it’s not quite dark at 11pm 🙂 Faster than the subway in the photo, (classic Berlin photo 🙂 time flies. My effort […]

Abroad // Partnership Building Activity “Future Generations” in Sint Maarten
The project “Future Generations” was a partnership-building activity taking place from the 19th to the 26th of April in Sint Maarten in the Caribbean. 24 Youth Workers from Aruba, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Sint Maarten, Latvia, Türkiye, Croatia and Germany took part. The Caribbean Youth and Sport foundation hosted everyone in an amazing accommodation with nice views on […]

Klara in Bremen // 2nd Report
The last four months of my voluntary service have shown me how much a person can develop in such a short time. Whereas in the first third of the project I still had to get used to my new surroundings, my new work and my new circle of friends, I can now see that since […]

Vivianna in Bremen // Final Report
We have come full circle. I’m writing the final report in the same room where I packed my things for the Bremen adventure. This is a chance for self-reflection I suppose although my mind is not in the same place as my body at the moment. A year ago, I walked up the steps of […]

Salome in Bremen // Final Report
As I sit in my hometown, thinking about the past year, it feels strange. It’s like the year in Bremen flew by, but the memories are still very real. The last two months were full of emotions, whether from knowing I would leave soon or just the events themselves. Life is so weird and I […]

Ana in Bremen // 2nd Report
As a person who is usually responsible for posting volunteer reports on the website, I remember that special feeling when posting second reports: while 4 months is still a relatively long period, I always wondered what it was like to realise that you only have half as much time left as you’ve already spent here. And […]

Ferhat in Bremen // 2nd Report
“Today is Sunday.Today they took me out into the sunFor the first time.And for the first time in my life,I stood amazedThat the sky wasSo far away from meWas so blueWas so wide.Then I sat respectfully on the ground,I put my back against the wall.At this moment, no fear of falling into waves,At this moment, […]

Vladislava in Bremen // 2nd Report
Houston, we have a problem! Or not? Often, after six months of living in another country, two important periods occur: a period of irritation and a severe crisis. The period of irritation is expressed in the emigrant’s anger, perhaps even regret about moving. Language difficulties, bank card problems, local bureaucracy, searching for friends and so […]

Eva in Bremen // Final Report
I am sitting in the Antalya airport, practically at the same place as one year ago and now I really feel how many things have changed. So, it was the most difficult year in my life but at the same time one of the most beautiful. The first months of my volunteering were super challenging: […]

Maite in Bremen // 1st Report
My adventure in Bremen began on November 2nd, and I still can’t believe how quickly time has passed. I arrived in Germany from Barcelona, where I had just graduated from university. I was going through a difficult personal time and needed a change of scenery to discover the world and live new experiences. I am […]

Noni in Bremen // Final Report
Having recently finished my internship in Portugal, I was hungry to learn more and have more experiences abroad. I have had previous experience in NGO structures and Erasmus+ projects, but I haven’t been at an office for a long time. So, while searching for work opportunities back in Greece, this little instagram post caught my […]

Klara in Bremen // 1st Report
My first four months in Bremen showed me how quickly time can pass. I started the project with a fresh high school diploma in my pocket, 12 years of school behind me and a routine I was desperate to break out of. Although there were many reasons to go straight to university, as it was […]

Zehra in Bremen // 1st Report
Hello, I’m Zehra and this is my first report, the first report that I have been postponing for days because I didn’t know what to write. I am almost five months into my project and it amazes me how fast time passes. The fascination of the city the first day I arrived, getting lost on […]

Yanitsa in Bremen // Final Report
I’m writing this on my way home, but where my home is right now is in doubt. My eyes are full of memories, moments, adventures, friends I left behind in Bremen and others around the world. I feel like a year has gone by in the blink of an eye, and it has been so […]

Salome in Bremen // 2nd Report
9 months and a half have flown by, and here we are, marking the culmination of our volunteering project. Now it’s time for nostalgia, no more confusion about the project, maybe a bit, but you slowly follow the flow. It’s a moment to reflect on all that has been accomplished, to reassure yourself that our […]

Sofiia in Bremen // 1st Report
My journey as an ESC volunteer in Bremen started 4 month ago. It started at a very busy time for my organization with various projects. We even called this period the “New Season” because all the previous projects are over and we are now planning and implementing new ones. Personally I am working on international […]

Vivianna in Bremen // 2nd Report
During my time in Bremen, I have mainly concentrated on enhancing my filming and editing skills. Working at the Deutsches dance film institute has provided the perfect environment for this. From capturing performances to editing footage, I’ve been actively involved in all aspects of the filmmaking process, gaining valuable hands-on experience along the way. In […]

Alvaro in Bremen // 1st Report
Hey there, my dear friend, I hope this message finds you in the best of spirits! Buckle up because I’m about to take you on an epic journey through my recent escapade in Germany. Get ready to immerse yourself in a whirlwind of captivating tales, unforgettable encounters, and life-changing experiences. Remember how I couldn’t contain […]

Eva in Bremen // 2nd Report
Hi everyone, I am Eva and it’s my second report. Last 5 months were full of events and emotions. I had to say good bye to all my neighbors and welcome 4 new people in our flat. But I think it was a positive change, I really enjoy the vibe of our flat, we have […]

Germany // Training Course “Sustainability, capacity and development camp” in Bad Baderkesa
Sustainability, capacity and development camp was a training course in Bad Baderkesa, Germany from 31.03. – 08.04.2013 where 42 youth workers participated from 6 different countries (Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey). The objectives of the project were to provide organizational tools to the NGOs from these countries and their key people (youth leaders, […]

Germany // Job Shadowing with NaturKultur “Sustainable Youth Work”
Sustainable Youth Work was a job shadowing by Teodora S. that came to visit NaturKultur e.V. for three weeks to enhace intercultural experiences in our organizations everyday work. In her job shadowing she participanted in different kind of projects and visited various NGO’s in northern Germany in order to compare working structures and to build […]

Germany // Training Course “Train the trainers – It’s up to me” in Diepenau
On our Training course – Train the trainers named “It’s up to me” we had 36 future trainers as participants from 6 different countries – Cyprus, Slovenia, Turkey, Romania, Italy and the host Germany. We had the main activity held in Diepenau and it lasted for 8 days. During these 8 days we spent all […]

Germany // Training Course “Train the trainers – It’s up to me 2” in Diepenau
NaturKultur e.V. Germany has organized the second edition of the train the trainers course “It’s up to me 2” that was held in Diepenau from 5-13th of March, 2015. There were in total 42 participants, trainers and organizers from 7 different counteries – Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Estonia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Germany. The project was […]

Germany // Training Course “Be part of the solution” in Braunlage
“Be part of the solution” was a conflict resolution training that was held in the small city of Braunlage in Central Germany from the 1-7th of December 2015. There were 45 youngsters and youth workers that came to learn how to build peace between each other, how to organize projects and activities that will bring […]

Germany // Training Course “Train the trainers – It’s up to me 3” in Diepenau
Train the trainers “It´s up to me 3” was a third edition of a successful training “Its up to me” that was held from 2-10th of March 2016 in Diepenau, Germany where were 42 youth workers and trainers together from 7 different countries(Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Macedonia and Latvia). The training course showed […]

Germany // Training Course “Train the trainers – Its up to me 4” in Braunlage
IT’S UP TO ME, IT’S UP TO YOU, IT’S UP TO US Day I: IT´S UP TO ME Wilderness, no internet, interculturality, learning processes, transformation, love, fun, joy, hard-working…Hmm…sounds like… Yes, you are right: Training Course, Train the Trainers, “It´s up to me 4”! Internally, we like to call it “Training Plus”. It has become […]

Germany // Training Course “Learn IT Tools” in Hohegeiß
Middle of the Spring, 23-30 May 2016 and 38 young people coming from 10 different countries (Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Germany, Egypt, Albania, Ukraine, Turkey and Spain) with their smart phones and computers in Hohegeiß, a village of a German small town Braunlage. What is this about? What are these people with […]

Germany // Training Course “Act Non Formal” in St. Andreasberg
ACT – do not hesitate, do not procrastinate, do not wait, DO something and do it! NON-FORMAL! Let’s make a strict line between formal and non-formal learning methods that was the main idea behind this project! Let’s make learning super funny and have two in one: entertainment + tangible outcomes! 42 participants from Italy, Greece, […]

Germany // Training Course “Train the trainers: It’s up to me 5” in Garlstedt
The main goal of It’s up to me it’s to give young trainers all the necessary skills they will need in their work: team management, conflict resolution, communicational skills… For this fifth edition, we decided to maintain a regular “diary” of what was happening during the project so those who haven’t been able to assist […]

Germany // Training Course “Recognition of youthworker/s” in Garlstedt
Recognition of youth worker/s was more than a training course and networking seminar. This project that had only 5 working days had a big mission. 35 youth workers with different backgrounds and level of experience have come together to start the process of changing International Youth work and getting the youth worker profession recognized on a […]

Abroad // Training Course “Youth Mobility in the Age of Crisis” in Wroclaw, Poland
“Youth Mobility in the Age of Crisis” was an 8-day Seminar hosted by TDM2000 Polska from 16th to 23rd of February 2015 in Wroclaw, Poland. Participating in the seminar were 8 partner organizations represented by delegates from the United Kingdom, Malta, Romania, Macedonia, Germany, Croatia, Czech Republic and Poland. In the beginning of the seminar we went through a lot […]

Abroad // Training Course “Who wants to be an Entrepreneur?” in Limassol, Cyprus
Businesses have a far more important mission than delivering the services and products promised. The culture formed within the society of a firm, shapes employees’ personality which in turn has an impact on the greater society. It is therefore, vital, that competent entrepreneurs cultivate healthy attributes when leading their businesses and create an environment where […]

Abroad // Training Course “Flourishing Youth” in Northern Italy
In late September, I took part in Flourishing Youth – Training Course on positive psychology in youth work organized by the Anatta Foundation and co-funded by Erasmus+. Over the course of almost a week I learned the principles and methodology of this relatively new field of psychology. I found the intersection of scientific research and […]

Abroad // Training Course “Better Together” in Barcelona, Spain
Study visit “Better Together” took place in Barcelona, 11-15 March 2018. One of the members of our team, Viktoria Panfilovich, went there as the coordinator of the German group representing NaturKultur e.V, Here you can read a bit about her experience: 19 young people – social workers, volunteers, youth workers, NGO employees – from Spain, Ukraine […]

Abroad // Training Course “No Hate Speech” in Braga, Portugal
The focus of the project was on online and offline hate speech. In order to raise awareness about the topic, there were applied different activities and methods, such as: group presentations, debates, living libraries, community guest speakers, etc. During the project, each group had to elaborate one specific topic related to hate speech. The different […]

Abroad // Training Course “Supporting Employability through Self-Development” in Prizren, Kosovo
From the 21st to 28th of March, three participants have represented NaturKultur on a Training Course in Prizren, Kosovo, which is part of the project “Supporting Employability through Self-Development”. Thirty youngsters from ten different countries from the Balkan peninsula, Italy and Germany learned methods to improve young people’s employability skills, including communication training, time management and self-esteem. On […]

Abroad // Training Course “Act out of the Box” in Coimbra, Portugal
In the beginning of January 2019, we, Lina Iona and Sarah, had the chance to leave the cold country of Germany and travel to sunny Montemor-o-Velho in Portugal. We were ready for ten days of working and living with a big group of people, as we were part of the Erasmus+ Training Course “Act out […]

Abroad // Training Course “Youth Work for Equality and Unity” in Caserta, Italy
On a farm 80km from Naples, Italy, a group of about 30 youth from all over Europe gathered for a week long training course about migration and human rights. The project was titled “Youth Work For Equality and Unity” #YW4EU. The other countries besides our German team that were represented at the training were Italy, […]

Abroad // Training Course “Get Updated” in Struga, North Macedonia
From the 1st to the 10th of September, two youth workers from Germany represented NaturKultur e.V. on a Training Course in Struga, North Macedonia. The TC is the second event of the Erasmus+ project “Get Updated: Project for Professional Development of Youth Workers”, this time focusing on communication skills for youth workers and conflict management. […]

Abroad // Training Course “Holistic Outdoor Leadership Programme” in Puebla de la Sierra, Spain
In June 2021 Eilidh and Liridon from Germany represented NaturKultur on the Erasmus+ Training Course “Holistic Outdoor Leadership Programme (HOLP)” in Puebla de la Sierra, Spain, organised by Madrid Outdoor Education. 20 participants from Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Poland, Germany and Portugal came together to learn about non-formal education techniques to develop leadership skills and […]

Abroad // Training Course “She-narrator” Sant Pau d’Ordal, Spain
SHE-NARRATOR: feminism, digital communication & social change was an Erasmus+ TC that took place in Sant Just Desvern from the 8.-14.11.2021. As a participant of this TC we discussed and learned about narratives and writing processes in a game and gamification, used a variety of digital tools, visited the youth organisation in Sant Just Desvern, […]

Abroad // Training Course “Mindset of Youth Workers” in Willemstad, Curaçao
From 21.-28. November 2021 we (Alisa, Alex & Angelina) went on the training course “Mindset of Youth Workers” in Willemstad, Curaçao in the Caribbean. Alongside the other participants who arrived from England, Croatia, Aruba, St. Maarten, Bulgaria, Greece, and the Netherlands, we learned through different tasks and activities possible ways to positively influence ways of […]

Abroad // Training Course “Theater for Youth” in Guggisberg, Switzerland
Switzerland suprised and made us joyful… The Training Course “Theater for Youth” was located in Guggisberg, a small village in the region Gantrisch in Switzerland. Apart from fresh air and a picturesque view of the mountains, escaping the routines of our home countries for a week was among the things we enjoyed most about our […]

Ferhat in Bremen // 1st Report
“I am sending you as sparks, you must return as flames.” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk This is the last sentence of the letter sent by the founder of the Republic of Turkey to the young people sent to study in Europe. When I came here, I always told myself this, and I saw every opportunity for […]

Vladislava in Bremen // 1st Report
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “Be the one who opens the doors for those who follow you.” A simple truth that reveals the essence of being a teacher, and which was the impetus for my important decision to go to gain teaching experience in another country, Germany. I should explain up front that I worked […]

Ana in Bremen // 1st Report
My volunteering experience started in September. As if knowing that a girl from post-summer Tbilisi was coming, Bremen greeted me with sunshine and heat. I even had a chance to go to a lake a couple of times with other volunteers and take a swim, and these warm memories cannot be spoiled even by the […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “Increase your employability” in Guadeloupe
The Youth Exchange “Increase your Employability” took place from 13.11-21.11.2023 in Guadeloupe in the city of Le Moule. The German team consisting of 4 participants extended the stay and remained on the island from 11.11.-23.11.2023 and thus used the travel days. In total, almost 30 people from 5 countries took part: Bulgaria, Spain, Croatia, Guadeloupe […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “H.E.L.P.” in Aruba
The Youth Exchange H.E.L.P (Humans Empowering Local Projects) took place in Aruba, a Dutch overseas territory, with active participation from six countries Sint Maarten, Aruba, Curacao, Greece, Germany, and Croatia, 42 participants in total. Focused on the theme of activism, the exchange featured local volunteering actions in three diverse locations, allowing participants to make a meaningful impact across various […]

Germany // Youth Exchange “In the shadows” in Garlstedt – Alaa
The Erasmus+ project “In The Shadows” held in Garlstedt, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony, Germany, from October 21st to 30th, 2023, focused on exploring stereotypes through theater and video methods. Participants from Spain, Greece, Estonia, Croatia, Romania, and Germany came together, totaling 42 young individuals. I chose to participate in this project due to my keen interest […]

Germany // Youth Exchange “In the shadows” in Garlstedt – Tugay
Between 21-30 October, the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project named “In The Shadows” took place at KulturHaus – Garlstedt, Osterholz Scharmbeck, Germany, with the participation of a total of 42 young people from Spain, Greece, Estonia, Croatia, Romania and Germany. In this project, which was carried out using non-formal education techniques, participants had the chance to […]

“Make Music. Not War. 2” 4.–14. April 2023, Garlstedt, Germany
There is hope in this world of conflicts, and young people believe that together they can create a brighter future. Their message is clear – drop the weapons and take on an instrument or use your voice to urge for reconciliation and peace building. 50 young people from countries affected by conflicts among which: Israel […]

Júlia in Bremen // Final Report
Hi! It’s the 24th of October. I arrived to Bremen exactly one year ago to spend 6 months here. Well haha. Mission failed. I’m still in Bremen, writing this final report sitting in my new WG where I just moved. I started doing my masters at the university last week and I’ll start my new […]

Tamara in Bremen // Final Report
As I sit down to pen the final report of my volunteering project, the past year unfolds before me like a vivid tapestry—woven with threads of joy, friendship, and personal growth. The journey has been nothing short of a whirlwind of experiences, each contributing to the unique fabric of this unforgettable chapter in my life. […]

Saida in Bremen // Final Report
It has been 2 weeks since I came back from Germnay. Now I am sitting in sofa and writing this report through thinking previous one year and looking at pictures. It is such an emotional moment. Let’s remember what happened in one year and how my project has influenced to my life. My Erasmus volunteering […]

Arina in Bremen // Final Report
I started writing this report long before I left Bremen. It was a way for me to reflect on my past year and contemplate my future. Being surrounded by international people from all over the world, you learn to let people go. This especially applies to ESC volunteering – normally, volunteers commit for a year […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “Sustainable Cities” in Navarredonda de Gredos, Spain
Through the project “Welcome 2 Sustainable City” we intended to analyze the different aspects that intervene in the sustainability of cities. We did not only focus on energy and environmental sustainability, but also on other types of sustainability, not so frequently mentioned, such as social and economic sustainability. All these aspects contribute to a great […]

Kübra in Bremen // Final Report
I officially finished my project at the end of September and stepped into my new life. I can’t understand how time passed so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I got off the plane and stepped into my new home, I ended my first day at work with big curious eyes, I tried to learn […]

Salome in Bremen // 1st Report
I was in dire need of some major life changes. After the whole COVID situation, my student life in Georgia turned upside down. No new faces, no exciting events, and after that it remained like that. I craved hearing different stories from different people, going on adventures, and expanding my horizons. So, when I got […]

Vivianna in Bremen // 1st Report
When life gives you lemons, you don’t make lemonade. Maybe you will in the end. But that’s not how you’re going to start. You decide to leave your hometown for a year. And your life is all about that. But you don’t fully realize it until you’re passing through the airport checkpoints. You say the […]

Nina in Bremen // Final Report
Writing this one feels very different from the first report. Because after six months I’m home, sitting in front of my computer and thinking about my past three months in Bremen. And when i think about it, so many memories are rushing through my mind and each one of them is really special. Even if […]

Anja in Bremen // Final Report
Happiness is not having what you want, but loving what you have. If a person had to spend some time with me and talk to me the chances that I would cite quotes are extremely high. Everyone who gets to know me a bit better knows how huge quote lover I am. Therefore, if I […]

Eva in Bremen // First Report
“God, please, let them choose not me”, it’s how my story began… I was walking on a night street after the interview and thought about my future. I really liked the vibe of people who talked to me, the description of the project was also really nice, nevertheless, all what I felt was fear. Fear […]

Chrysa in Bremen // 2nd Report
I am happy to present my second report on my volunteer experience in Bremen. Over the past seven months, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in a completely different culture and embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with living in a foreign country. Living abroad has been a transformative experience, both personally […]

Helin in Bremen // Final Report
I cannot believe it but this is my final report! The speed of life always surprises me. I arrived in Bremen today last year. The sun was licking our faces. After one year, on the same day, it is raining cats and dogs. I took advantage of the nice weather last month and had a great hiking holiday. […]

Nina in Bremen // 1st Report
The idea of living alone in another country can sound scary and challenging at first. However, it can also be exciting for some. It is normal to face some challenges at the beginning of our adventure. It can be a culture shock when we arrive in another country, the language, the way of how other […]

Kübra in Bremen // 2nd Report
This is my seventh month in Bremen, and time goes by really fast. But interestingly, sometimes it feels like I’ve been here for years, I’ve gotten used to it, I like Bremen a lot, my friends, my work… I’m good with German now. I feel like I have an good life here now. The closer […]

Angelina in Skopje, N.Macedonia // Final Report
I still remember entering the plane all excited about my new life in a foreign country like it was yesterday and it felt like one year passed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly I was hugging people goodbye, laughing, and crying at the same time. While I was sitting at the breakfast table with […]

Giulia in Bremen // Final report
Before leaving my country, I fantasized a lot about the life I would have in Bremen. With a certain naivety, I thought that leaving a worn routine, jobs and habits that had left me exhausted and without energy, would represent a burst of vitality, a new electrifying beginning. I could not imagine that the exact […]

Natan in Bremen // 1st Report
It’s been three months… they’ve flown by, and that’s a good sign, it means that i really enjoyed my time here! I arrived in Germany without knowing a single word of German, without a clear idea of who I would meet, live with or work with. I was a bit frightened by the idea that […]

Tamara in Bremen // 2nd Report
This is already the seventh month of my volunteering, and I can’t believe that time has flown this fast. Seven months of experiences, ups and downs, adventures, lonely days, challenges and feelings of happiness. One can think “Yeah it’s just seven months” but for me as a person who has experienced this time, it was life-changing. I will […]

Abroad // Youth Exchange “I NEET to work” in Xanthi, Greece
It was a great personal enrichment for us to travel to Xanthi within the framework of a youth exchange and to become a part of the cultural exchange with many other nations. This exchange indeed united young participants at the age 16 till 26 from countries like Italy, Spain, Greece, Estonia, Serbia, Cyprus and Germany. […]

Júlia in Bremen // 2nd Report
My sister took a photo of me at the airport when I left Hungary six months ago. It was early in the morning, I’m standing on the edge of the driveway in an oversized purple pullover, black jeans and with a big suitcase. I’m standing there all by myself, and now I just feel like […]

Arina in Bremen // 2nd Report
Today I was riding my bike at 7 am, going to work. To me, this is the most suitable time to reflect on my volunteering journey. Firstly, because I should think of something during these 40 minutes since I can’t shut down my brain. Secondly, the deadline for writing this report was a couple of […]

Helin in Bremen // 2nd Report
Moin everyone again from Bremen, I can not believe that time flies. In my second half in Bremen, my German and the weather is getting better. Finally, my new northern home is getting warmer. Flowers bloom, nature refreshes itself… It is important, because if you come from a country where have sunshine in every season, […]

Saida in Bremen // 2nd Report
It’s been six months, I can’t believe that I have another report to write. I am really happy that a lot has happened on my personal life so far. Just a short remind, I am Saida and work at school in Bremen. I have met so many people since I came here, and it’s made […]

Yanitsa in Bremen // 1st Report
This is an opportunity that gives you the chance to write your story, to live it, to step outside of yourself, your circle, and what you know before. To be whomever you want to be, however, you want to be. To be vulnerable, to pile up situations to laugh or just cry over later because […]

Anja in Bremen // 2nd Report
Airport. Rush, chaos, touched destinies, goodbyes, greetings, smiles, tears,.. What is a better place to start writing my second (middle) volunteer report than the airport? I always try to search for hidden meanings in everything that surrounds me. And it makes perfect sense. I feel that airport perfectly symbolizes my current position in life – […]

Gabriel in Bremen // 1st Report
My name is Gabriel Domínguez, I am 20 years old. I come from Gijón, a small city in the North coast of Spain. When I was 3 years old my family moved to Brussels in Belgium where we stayed 9 years. I did all my Primary studies in the European School. Then we moved back […]

Emanuel in Bremen // Final report
My year at the Deutsches Tanz Film Institut came to an end, and I leave with the bittersweet feeling of a great experience, of having learned many things and met wonderful people. I leave with more awareness of my means, skills and possibility, with the confidence of going out there on my own, and with […]

Esra in Bremen // Final report
If you ask me, life is a very personal path that we take with many choices and non-choices. When you look back on all the experiences that are sometimes satisfying and sometimes disappointing, you begin to see that the things that make you you do not come from the beautiful sunny days alone. Before I […]

Kübra in Bremen / 1st Report
Under the influence of the culture I was born and raised in, I always felt that I had to finish school first and foremost; high school, university, then master’s, doctorate, business life… Like every Turkish student, I was unintentionally getting lost in the future-oriented career plans I was making. Yes, I loved my life there. At an […]

Tamara in Bremen // 1st Report
It all started when I happened to check my email and saw the letter from NaturKultur saying that I was selected as a volunteer. I can’t describe in words how happy I was at that moment, I was sure that I would have a wonderful opportunity to make friends, travel, gain new experience and make […]

Júlia in Bremen // 1st Report
When I was little, my parents used to take us camping to the mountains in Transylvania. We always found a nice place for our tents in a valley by a stream, hiked all day, then cooked dinner on a small gas cylinder or roasted sausages over a campfire. Sometimes we had to spend the afternoon […]